No, not steak knives or saucepans ... 2 more of my books that were publishes last year - my collected papers, Vol 1 & 2.
They have a strange evolution. I had a collection of papers I'd presented ay conferences over the decades and someone suggested I put them on Amazon and sell them for 10c. I thought - why not? I was amazed to have an email from Dave Rivers saying he wanted to publish them! With his wife, Natasha, they have Tandava Press here in Australia.
So I bundled them up and they appeared in a book, complete with a foreword written by my good friend Bill O'Hanlon! It was miraculous!
Several weeks later I discovered another bunch and so volume 2 emerged!
I've had kind comments from all over the globe.
In Australia, they are available on Kindle or through any bookstore or Fishpond, in the rest of the world they are available on Amazon or kindle.
Rob McNeilly