Soranus, a Greek physician of the 2nd century AD is credited with the invocation "Primum non nocare" or "First do no harm". It may have been derived from Hipocrates - another Greek physician from the 5th century BC.
Whatever the scource, we have lost touch with this crucial principle.
Scott Miller wrote of the debrrcle where huge investment by the Swedish government to train health worker in CBT only to discover that this not only didn't improve outcomes but worsened them.
Bruce Wampold wrote about this in his book "The Great Psychotherapy Debate" in which he clarified the lack of any solid ground for the medical model of psychological intervention to stand on.
In Australia, the huge promotion of Beyond Blue which is aimed at relieving depression by increasing knowledge has also been shown by independent research to do more harm than good - increasing the rates of major depreshsion and decreasing quality of life.
More than 50 years ago, Erickson championed the idea that instead of applying a particiupar theory, we could relate to each individual's experience, and assist them to reteive or learn some experience which would be particular to each unique individual.
It was a breathe of fresh air to find a a UK NHS psychiatrist, Dr Sami Timimi speaking about this and having the courage to stand up to the jugernaught of schools of therapy and drug companies, and inviting a respectful, flexible approach to each individuals, echoing Erickson, although not referring to him.
If you're interested to hear what he says, here's a link.
What are your thoughts on this?
What a great video that was Rob! I saw Peter Gotzsche in Melbourne last year and he was inspiring in the same way this is. I see Australia featured twice, not to our acclaim though! Pity the clips weren’t available.
I heartily admire the courage of professionals like these who go out on a limb to show failings of the conventional dogma in the interests of the clients they serve.
One audience member asked Peter Gotzsche if he’d suffered as a result of his very public efforts to show up what has been harmfully perpetuated in the medical arena and he said he’d received a number of threats and very nearly lost his reputation! No small risk to run.
Thank you for this.