This is the first in a series of explorations of how we might do less and be more.
We live in a world of technology and so much of our therapy learning has been about techniques.
I am keen to explore a less mechanistic and more human approach so we can honour the complex mystery that we humans are.
Each post will attempt to highlight some aspect to explore, develop and play with.
My invitation is to see what happens and it would be a pleasure to hear from you about what you found usefulI.
Please let anyone else know who might be interested. They can sign up here.
Rob McNeilly
Sathi here,
This idea touch me a lot....as I know so little about techniques, being hypnotique seems to be the answer
so what is being hypnotique?
my understanding is , it is a question of intention, intention of listening what is said and what is not said, listening to the unconscious, to be unconditionally open, listening from the heart!