I have introduced these experiences as ordinary and every day experiences so that with hypnosis they can be introduced and then extended to provide relief that will be tailored to each individual’s needs. This avoids the need for jargon and weirdness which will only add to the difficulty for all.
When to use which will be informed by the wonderful question “What’s missing?” and if we listen to what a client says or ask specifically what would be helpful, we will hear what will be relevant in each situation.
If someone wants more closeness or more space, then connecting and disconnecting will be called for.
If the solution has something to do with time, let’s explore ways of stretching or extending their experience of time.
If their problem calls for resolution of some past event or creating a different future - let’s play with hypnotic time travelling.
If pain is severe, not noticing is likely to be useful, while if it’s too intrusive or causing suffering, then learning not being bothered will be worth exploring.
I trust these reflections will be helpful for your learning so we can add to our effectiveness in relieving suffering and add to our personal satisfaction at the same time.
I'll attach an eBook collating this series of posts.
Thanks for this Rob. Any chance you will do a session on Time... Distortion, Travel, and other interesting segments?