an introduction
When I first learnt about hypnosis, from a traditional, formal version, I was fascinated and at the same time overwhelmed by what was called “Hypnotic Phenomena” - association, dissociation, time distortion, age regression, age progression, amnesia, anaesthesia, analgesia … a long list of highly technical words which only served to intimidate me - hardly a useful approach to learning!
After meeting and learning from Milton Erickson, I was relieved to approach these experiences as an extension of everyday experiences, in the same way that I found it useful to approach hypnosis itself as an extension of the common everyday trance.
This allows us, and our clients, to have a natural and easy access to these experiences instead of being overwhelmed and anxious about what I was originally taught as advanced “techniques”.
More to follow, and at the end of the series, I'll send you a compilation as an eBook.
Rob McNeilly