Every aspect of what is included in this collection of short essays has been about easy. My experience of using and teaching hypnosis over the last 4 decades is that if we can make an easy start, and do what we can to make the process easy for each client, then everyone benefits. Instead of overwhelm, lack of self confidence and the killer mood of resignation, we can have a place to begin from, a genuine self confidence, and the enlivening mood of possibility.
Obviously not everyone is going to be easy, not everyone is going to progress easily. It would be naive to think so.
However, I’ve found, and I’ve had recurrent reports, that starting easy, and expecting an easy process seems to skew the outcome towards easy.
That is why I’m not recommending this approach, simply inviting you to explore and discover for yourself.
Thank you for being willing to explore with me.
“Many scholars have made the Buddha’s teaching complicated and difficult to understand. But the Buddha said things very simply and did not get caught up in words. So if a teaching is too complicated, it is not the sound of the Buddha.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Yes, I agree, and now see and understand how the easy way is closer to Erickson’s way, that it may not be hepful to me to attempt to force myself to learn advanced techniques, which have always felt intimidating, out of reach…
Thanks Rob
Also, recently I was able to connect with the idea/reality that “enlightenment” is “effortless”…
via Super Brain, a book/set of cd’s by Deepak Chopra MD and Rudolph (Rudi) Tanzi, PhD…they combined perspectives from ancient wise traditions with neuroscience’s more recent learnings about how we direect our brain with the intention and inspiration occurring in our minds. This was revolutionary/evolutionary for me, and your ideas blend “effortlessly”.