From Persuasion & Healing by Frank and Frank ...
Posted by Rob McNeilly admin on November 14, 2017 at 07:52am
Very ticklish indeed Rob! Viva la Placebo effect!! Wonders will never cease .....
I think that Jesus demonstrates this a lot in the gospel accounts of miracles. There are many various ways that he elicits expectancy and faith, and the way he goes about performing "the miracle" is never the same way twice. Nothing cookie cutter...in contrast usually bizarre, unexpected, and involving touch. Of course, I would argue that the modern day faith healing preachers have done to Jesus' truth exactly what we all like to do with truth--wrap it up in a 5 point plan, identify essential elements that anyone can tap into, and propagate it as the "real" and "money back guarantee" to get your healing. Anyway, when I hear folks talk about expectancy and faith of the client...it always leads me to think of Jesus and his approach to people. He was truly a master healer.
Wonderful story, thank you for sharing Rob. Here's another (true) one that I heard from master storyteller and Human Givens practitioner Pat Williams:
A man was seriously ill in hospital with heart failure and the consultant was doing his rounds with a group of medical students. He paused by the man's bed and said 'this patient has a galloping heart'. The man did not know what this meant, but he associated 'galloping' with vigour and strength so he was delighted. He assumed his heart must now be strong again, and he recovered!
Hi Juliette, I liked the excellent examples of expectancy presented by Rob, and I liked Pat Williams' story of the galloping heart as I was there when she told us the story. I am so glad that you mentioned it. Prith
Yes Juliette, I think I heard it at Pat's workshop and also on her CD. It was good to recall.
i learned this last night when i forgot to tell my client before hypnosis the success rate of the program she was entering into.. (self discovery really but we call it hypnosis and tinnitus) - when i told her after the trance state - she lit up like an electric bulb.. bugger - i should have told her first...
I love to hear these stories. This type of healing is in every culture and is evident as described by Briante Jesus. I think the healing with the parables and miracles are pure belief on the "client's" part.
Good point Rob. I remember reading of a study (I think it was David Spiegel) that showed that up to 40% of the healing happens when the client walks into your office. There is an element of belief or faith on the client's part that change is going to happen.