An ancient healing practice from Hawaii - ho'oponopono.
Four steps ...
- I'm sorry
- Please forgive me
- Thank you
- I love you.
More details http://www.laughteronlineun...
Beautifully simple healing.
Posted by Rob McNeilly admin on November 12, 2017 at 12:51pm
An ancient healing practice from Hawaii - ho'oponopono.
Four steps ...
More details http://www.laughteronlineun...
Beautifully simple healing.
I was surprised and inspired.
"The only problem with human beings is that they are arrogant, because that’s what thinking is. This is in essence ‘I know’. Wisdom is being in the void. To be thoughtless. Only by being in the void can the Light come through. As long as I have something going on in my mind the Light can’t come through. The Light can only come in when the mind is cleared – in a state of silence". – Dr Hew Len, Shamanic Wisdomkeepers
Yes, it seems there is too often a legalism about being rational and thinking. “Achievement” and “getting the right answer” can become the main goals, with success being measured by an adding up of tokens of some sort. Maybe spending time “in the void” could be taught in schools as being valuable and practiced...to be without thought. Of course I’m dating myself...something like it is probably already being taught in some schools.
I used the 4 steps in my weekly meditation on Sunday. I was not quite certain what I was apologising for or about, but I tried to acknowledge that whatever the disharmony I experience in life could be addressed using that concept of 'macro Cosmo inside micro Cosmo." I sat for 30 minutes max. I did not think much until the following day, when I could not help but notice that I had a very different outlook of the environment where I was. If it was that simple, why wouldn't I do this everyday.. but I have not developed the habit yet. I hope that I will. Thank you very much Dr Rob!
I applied these four steps in a letter I wrote to handle a difficult situation and I don't know how it affected the recipient yet, but I know it Filled me with Grace and Peace, which is in fact All I Want!!! Super inspiring to consider myself Responsible for Anything in my field of Awareness....totally takes the separation away....it is All mine to Own! even Donald Trump, God Bless Him and Yes I am Sorry for whatever in my consciousness has created this travesty in America! Please forgive me Life. Thank you Life. I Love you Life! ;-)
So that is what it is called. Years ago I was told about this practice and all I heard in the name was Puno Puno. So now I can try to get my tongue around ho'oponopono. It had slipped from my mind until you rekindled the fire. Thank you. I have been weaving this into my sessions this past week with one pleasantly surprising result. One client told me that he felt confused as he didn't believe that he had anyone to forgive ... and then he had the light bulb moment and realised he had to forgive himself. Beautiful. I also loved your snippet about 'wisdom ... and the void'. I have been reading "The Tao of Pooh" and I am utilising a Taoist philosophy from that book ... "to return to the uncarved block". I allow clients to return to the uncarved block ... the way they were at birth. And as they grow and develop they can hand back to people the negative influences or unwanted accessories that have been picked up during their life. Now I can weave ho'oponopono into that process. I love the work we do; or more particularly the work that our clients do.
Thank you Rob