I have been using what I learnt from Erickson in my clinical work for 40 years now and teaching it throughout Australia and many countries around the world for the last 35 years.
Over the last few years I have begun to concentrate on online learning programmes and am increasingly impressed with what they offer.
There are opportunities to review the material at leisure, to join in on live video group interactions, watch live demonstrations, and more recently to be able to practice in "break out rooms" online.
I have now distilled 4 levels of participation for anyone interested ... a free video series, a 5 week programme with weekly coaching calls, a 30 hour practicum over 4 months, and now a 100 hour diploma over 5 months.
Please have a look at our website www.cet.net.au for details, a
Teaching this approach continues to be a joy and a privilege and I would appreciate your support by letting others know about these opportunities.