A man in his 50s wanted help because he couldn’t drive outside the boundary of his suburb. He responded to hypnosis very well and began to drive all over Melbourne.
Several weeks later he said that he’d begun to notice planes. He hadn’t flown for more than 20 years after a bumpy flight. He was wondering if he might be able to fly again.
I reminded him that he hadn’t been able to drive outside his suburb, but now it was easy, so perhaps being able to fly could be a similar change. He was interested in this possibility.
He offered to pay my airfare to fly with him on a one hour flight from Melbourne to Hobart, having my company as a kind of insurance.
When the flight began, I reminded him that is was only a short flight, and that if he didn’t start to panic soon, he would miss the opportunity. He smiled and we continued to chat about other things. I was interested to notice that his wife was looking quite scared!
Later I had a series of postcards from China, USA, Europe … he wife said he still had a problem with flying - he couldn’t keep off a plane.
What a beauty! Love the work and it can be applied to other areas too. Many thanks Rob